Stuck in an orbital spaceport

As the nuclear-tipped missiles homed in on the Aspera, Dr. Glazhütte-Limburg and Baron Fulford heard the klaxons and dashed for the escape pods. They squeezed into the first empty pod and ejected from the doomed survey craft mere seconds before impact. The doctor and the baron were picked up in the inner system five days later and brought to the Alell Upstation.

The escape pod blasting away from the stricken Aspera
The Moondancer limped into Docking Bay 22 in the early morning hours of 055-1200, and around 20 people were waiting for the survivors of the Aspera. The Imperial embassy staff whisked away the tired travelers from the clutches of the Civil Guard and the ZEP, the Alell secret police. The extraordinarily close monitoring of the Alellian population will make most Imperial citizens quite uncomfortable at best, and enhanced interrogation by ZEP was not something the Empire had any interest in subjecting its citizens to. Besides, the Aspera had been an Imperial vessel. The weary survivors were given a check-up by the embassy doctor, and after a quick breakfast with fresh bread and fruit, ambassador Dorianne hault-Bellingcat sat down with the survivors in a secured section of the Alell orbital starport. It was noteworthy, the ambassador said, that the same group of people were present at both the abduction of Counselor Kostroma on Menorb AND the destruction of the Aspera. Would you perchance have any additional information? No? Warp and size signature on the attacking ship did not match a Dragon-class SDB? You don’t say? We will, of course, take the original records, and we will double- and triple check this. No, firing nuclear warheads at survey ship is not a joke. Indeed. Thank you so much for your cooperation, ladies and gentlemen.Image result for orbital spaceport
Alell Upstation

Our heroes were once again stranded in a less-than-pleasant system. Sure, life could be decent on Alell, but once you’re an object of interest for ZEP, life will never be the same. As it were, the Embassy did mention that Most Reliable did have yet another survey contract that might interest the group: there were indicators that the old capitol of Knorbes, Ponte Corso, had been located, and it is of great importance to the Empire if the central data archives can be located, removed, and brought to Regina.
Image result for imperial ambassadorAmbassador Dorianne hault-Bellingcat

Upon acceptance, the small group will assume command of and crew the Prince Robert of Deneb, a trading vessel operated under charter by Most Reliable. The crew will receive standard salaries, a Cr 1,000 signing bonus and a Cr 5,000 bonus upon completion of the mission. Operating costs will be paid out of pocket, but expenses will be covered. In addition, the crew may engage in any approved commerce during the trip, as long as the crew reports to the Most Reliable office in the Regina system no later than 125-1200. Departure is scheduled for 060-1200, and the Prince Robert of Deneb has a 0900 departure slot.


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