
Yurst (E7B4643-5 Non-industrial G), a non-aligned system on the periphery of the Regina subsector. The system consists of:

  • Yurst A, a thin asteroid belt orbiting a K- class star
  • Bolo/Yurst B, a small hothouse planet
  • Agrinian/Yurst C, a mid-sized ringed gas giant with at least 14 moons
  • Yurst Prime
  • Jeffrey/Yurst E, a cold desert planet with a trace atmosphere
  • Brylon/Yurst F, a small rock
  • Hanishapura/Yurst G, a small gas giant with six moons

The main planet is the home of 1,859,003 inhabitants as of 250-1199. The population is mostly human with some 3 percent Vargr, 6 percent Kothraki and 2 percent other. Although Yurst Prime is classified as having a corrosive, sulphur-laden atmosphere, the density of the atmosphere leaves several mountain ranges clear of the corrosive atmosphere, and the population inhabiting these ranges can enjoy a fairly standard atmosphere. The special living conditions on Yurst Prime has led to various forms of aircraft, mainly helicopters, autogyros and airships being the main form of transportation. The Yurst system was colonized by the Aranda Shu survey in 334, but the tech level decreased steadily as the Third Imperium lost interest in the system. The Empire has sent an emissary, Vira Theen SEH, and a scout survey mission to Yurst in 1196, but no futher action has been taken.

The mountain ranges of Yurst

The economy of the system is based on small-scale agriculture and manufacturing of fairly high quality, and the political system is a stable representative democracy. Elections for the Runngan, the legislative body, are held every fifth year. The Primo is elected by the Runngan, although the Righteous and Most Noble Grand Ma, the Duke of Yurst, remains the formal head of state. The Ma of Yurst were appointed as a last-minute gesture by the Third Imperium in 876, before withdrawing the from the sector. The Grand Ma has fathered eighteen children with eight different relations, and they have all been given baronetcies all over the Yurst system. Baron Harry Ma, the fourteenth child, is, for example, Baron Calpaine, which is one of the two moons of Jeffrey/Yurst E.

 The Grand Ma of Yurst

A Yurst autogyro

A Yurst Cargo Clipper

Although the population lives in the mountain ranges, research expeditions will enter the sulphur clouds occasionally in search of profitable minerals and scientific data. There is also some external trade, and the Runngan will typically sign a contract with an interstellar trading company or an individual trader for import and export purposes. The Havanda space port can only handle small craft, and visitors are strongly encouraged to bring their own supplies för ship's maintenance and similar activities, since Havanda's facilities are minimal at best.

Havanda Starport, the main and only building.

The Kothraki The Kothrakians originated on Adabicci/Lunion (A57189B-B). This minor race was discovered almost a millennium ago, and they have been loyal Imperial citizens for most of that period. Adabicci is dry and hot, and the Kothrakian long and skinny physique helps in such a climate. The Kothrakians have three genders: male, female and drone, with gender only manifesting itself at the age of 5 or so. Most Kothrakians are drones, and they will provide for the Kothraki trojkas, with up to a dozen drones, a male and a female. The female is the most intelligent of the genders, and they almost always remain on Adabicci together with the intellectually underdeveloped male, while drones will work or study. The Kothrakians on Yurst established several trojkas in the 450s as part of an Imperial colonization project, and they maintain excellent relations with the population of Yurst, although they all live in the capitol of Yurst, Velburgh.


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