
In the Jungles near Punta Corso - summary 4

Our heroes were once again stranded in a less-than-pleasant system. Sure, life could be decent on Alell, but once you’re an object of interest for ZEP, life will never be the same. As it were, Most Reliable did have yet another survey contract that might interest the group: there were indicators that the old capitol of Knorbes, Ponte Corso, had been located, and it was of great importance to the Empire if the central data archives can be located, removed, and brought to Regina. Secretary Imbiss, the assistant of ambassador hault-Bellingcat, was more than willing to arrange the practical details, and this would also be an expedient way of getting our heroes out of the Alell system before there were additional complications, diplomatic or otherwise.  Besides coordinates for the old City Hall of Ponte Corso, secretary Imbiss also provided our heroes with the necessary administrative details to assume co mmand of and crew the Prince William of Deneb, a trading vessel operated under c...

200 ton Bulk Trader "Prince William of Deneb"

The 200 ton Bulk Trader is a basic cargo transport typically used on high- and medium trade routes of the Empire. It is capable of jump-1, maneuver-1, and it has a computer-1. The Bulk Trader has a 30 ton fuel tank, a crew of two (pilot and engineer) and one stateroom. The cargo is split between six external locations for 20 ton cargo containers, and 14 tons internal cargo for a total cargo capacity of 134 tons. The cost for a Bulk Trader is MCr 30,4515. 1. Bridge with additional gunner's station concealed as a general maintenance console 2. Avionics 3. Fresher 4. Ship's locker 5. Computer 6. Airlocks and EVA ready rooms 7. Storage closet 8. Cargo containers 9. Stateroom 10. Common area 11. Engineering interface area 12. Stateroom and interna cargo bay access door 13. Common area and fresher 14. Cargo and loading supervision deck, including access to concealed double turret The Prince William of Deneb, or Prince Bill for short is a modified 200 ton Bulk T...

Stuck in an orbital spaceport

As the nuclear-tipped missiles homed in on the Aspera,  Dr. Glazhütte-Limburg and Baron Fulford heard the klaxons and dashed for the escape pods. They squeezed into the first empty pod and ejected from the doomed survey craft mere seconds before impact. The doctor and the baron were picked up in the inner system five days later and brought to the Alell Upstation. The escape pod blasting away from the stricken Aspera The Moondancer limped into Docking Bay 22 in the early morning hours of 055-1200, and around 20 people were waiting for the survivors of the Aspera . The Imperial embassy staff whisked away the tired travelers from the clutches of the Civil Guard and the ZEP, the Alell secret police. The extraordinarily close monitoring of the Alellian population will make most Imperial citizens quite uncomfortable at best, and enhanced interrogation by ZEP was not something the Empire had any interest in subjecting its citizens to. Besides, the Aspera had bee...


Knorbes (silent “K”, E888787-2, rich and agricultural, G) was settled in 112 by Captain Andor Knorbes, a somewhat well-known explorer, corsair and mercenary of that time. A capitol, Punta Corso, was established on Byron, the southern continent, and the colony flourished for a good 450 years, until a fierce civil war, including a nuclear exchange, destroyed several settlements. Climate change added to the calamities, and Knorbes regressed into a pre-industrial settlement mainly situated on the northern continent of Arundel. Over the course of the centuries, the former frozen wastelands of Arundel became temperate, and a prosperous agricultural society eventually developed on the continent. Today, the Knorbes/Regina system is a backwater, despite its proximity to the Empire and Regina. The system consists of: Knorbes Prime, a G-class sun Kira (Knorbes-A), a medium rock Heather (Knorbes-B), a small rock Knorbes-C, the main planet Ariel (Knorbes-D), an large ethanol liquid pla...

The Imperial Unimatrix

The Empire is a vast and rapidly expanding polity. To enable smooth and enduring functionality with the Empire, there is great need for standardization of such things as time, taxation, currencies, data transfers and many other areas. The old Imperial Bureau of Standards and Trade was established during the early years of the Third Imperium, but it failed in the 800s as the Third Imperium declined. The Empire was quick to learn from this error, and Emperor Za’arev established the Unimatrix in 1043, just a year after seizing power. There is one Unimatrix per sector, and each Unimatrix has many separate adjuncts that are responsible for various aspects of Imperial civilization. Thousands of tireless civil servants and AIs are responsible for the creation, amendment and distribution of Imperial standards that are essential to the Empire. Official in full Unimatrix attire, in this case the uniform of Unimatrix 2, which represents the Spinward Marches.


Yurst (E7B4643-5 Non-industrial G), a non-aligned system on the periphery of the Regina subsector. The system consists of: Yurst A, a thin asteroid belt orbiting a K- class star Bolo/Yurst B, a small hothouse planet Agrinian/Yurst C, a mid-sized ringed gas giant with at least 14 moons Yurst Prime Jeffrey/Yurst E, a cold desert planet with a trace atmosphere Brylon/Yurst F, a small rock Hanishapura/Yurst G, a small gas giant with six moons The main planet is the home of 1,859,003 inhabitants as of 250-1199. The population is mostly human with some 3 percent Vargr, 6 percent Kothraki and 2 percent other. Although Yurst Prime is classified as having a corrosive, sulphur-laden atmosphere, the density of the atmosphere leaves several mountain ranges clear of the corrosive atmosphere, and the population inhabiting these ranges can enjoy a fairly standard atmosphere. The special living conditions on Yurst Prime has led to various forms of aircraft, mainly helicopters, autogyros an...

Lost in Space - Summary 2 and 3

Leaving Menorb Soundtrack: The Animals. We gotta get out of this place. The first weeks of 1200 offered quite a bit of activity for several of the temps of Most Reliable. First of all, on 023-1200, Capt (ret.) Connor Drake and James Grayfield were approached at Joe’s StarBar by Roscoe Biggs, a retired IISS scout currently working for Most Reliable. He bought the gentlemen a round, and referring to their semi-celebrity status, he wondered if they’d mind doing a job for Most Reliable. “You know, the Imperial Consul, Sirius Kostroma, will be visiting Menorb and Tissem” (the largest settlement with 200 million inhabitants). “He’ll be having a personal retinue and all, but he needs some local liaisons besides the embassy staff. It will bring you a good Cr 500 per week and a Cr 1,500 bonus upon the Consul leaving the system”. Consul Sirius Costroma did arrive next day in a shuttle from the Imperial cruiser Admiral Garnier . He was escorted...